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Good Neighbours Registration

If you or someone you know is physically unable to visit the Library, the Good Neighbours program can help!

Staff select materials in accordance with a member’s personal reading preferences. Home delivery must be arranged by the member. Friends, neighbours and family members make excellent volunteer drivers!

The Library also conducts regular visits to long-term care and retirement residences and facilities throughout Clarington, connecting individual members at these facilities to Library services.

Once you submit the form, a staff member will contact you to conduct a brief interview about your or your family member's reading preferences, favourite authors, and preferred genres.

How will you be participating in the Good Neighbours program?
Preferred formats (please check all that apply):
Prefered genres (please select all that apply):
Do you like to re-read books?
Do you like books in a series?

Information on this form is collected under the authority of the Public Libraries Act 1990 and is used for the purposes of Library services and planning. Please direct any inquiries to Administration, 163 Church Street, Bowmanville ON L1C 1T7, 905-623-7322.

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